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Stars of the Month & RANK UP STARS!
We have ended an amazing month with our Shop Argania Family with multiple launches of our Amazing Argania Wonder Tonic & the exclusive Argania x Bae luscious Lip Mattes! Here we introduce you to our RANK UP STARS for the month of March 2021! 
1. How do you feel reaching your current rank?

Beyond grateful to be where I am now. With the effort that I have put in, I believe I deserve to be at the current rank 💎😇

2. How has Shop Argania helped you?

Throughout the two months with Shop Argania, I have earned 4 figure income. It helps to pay off my commitments.

3. What is your advice for those looking to rank up and join Shop Argania?

Be consistent in promoting the products and make sure you have the knowledge about the products that you are promoting. Consistency is the key!
1. How do you feel reaching your current rank?

I am happy but want to achieve more for this month

2. How has Shop Argania helped you?
I gained extra income

3. What is your advice for those looking to rank up and join Shop Argania?
Be consistent, never give up and trust Him. Rezeki itu luas.
1. How do you feel reaching your current rank?
Saya agak teruja dengan sistem ranking yang dijalankan. Pencapaian saya berdasarkan poin yang diperoleh memberikan semangat dan dorongan kepada saya untuk terus bekerja keras dalam mendapat manfaat yang terbaik.
2. How has Shop Argania helped you?
Manfaat dan insentif tambahan yang diterima hasil jualan saya membolehkan saya terus bergerak dan memudahkan saya memperoleh pulangan modal yang lebih tinggi.
3. What is your advice for those looking to rank up and join Shop Argania?
Saya mencadangkan agar setiap agen dan dropship untuk meningkatkan hasil jualan dan merekrut ahli baru dalam membantu meningkatkan hasil jualan masing-masing.
1. How do you feel reaching your current rank?

Alhamdulillah happy of course! Not so easy and not so difficult for me since I don’t have so much followers on my social media. But still, I did it.

2. How has Shop Argania helped you?

Thankyou Argania’s team for helping me by providing photos, product knowledge and also some clasess for us.

3. What is your advice for those looking to rank up and join Shop Argania?

For you guys, its still not too late to start now. Come and join me and we’ll generate more income together 🥰
1. How do you feel reaching your current rank?
Happy and excited!! Baru join Argania 2 bulan dah berjaya naik to bronze rank. So mmg excited and bersyukur sgt2
2. How has Shop Argania helped you?
Selalu diguide oleh hq and team. Bila rank up akan dpt bonus dari hq so dpt la extra income time pandemic ni. Dah la barang mudah dijual and easy sbb semua hq handle. Kita just cari customer je. Itupun hq still support utk repost so kalau rajin insyaallah sale meletup
3. What is your advice for those looking to rank up and join Shop Argania?
Kena keep usaha and positive. Be active in social media and always rebut peluang especially bila hq buat iglive. Kena rajin attend kelas and yg penting doa bnyak2 biar murah rezeki selalu

1. How do you feel reaching your current rank?

Feel so happy, I started as dropship but tak sangka boleh rank up. And the feeling bila rank up, mcm mimpi sebab I dream to but I never thought I could achieve

2. How has Shop Argania helped you?

Since Shop Argania launched, mmg byk bnda yg upgrade. Sng nak buat pick up parcel or sent directly to customer.
Very flexible utk drop your order guna Shop Argania

3. What is your advice for those looking to rank up and join Shop Argania?

Just join & be a member. Sbb 1st mmg x rugi apa2
2nd you can start slow by focusing in one product but at the same time just be ready for customer yg akan look up for another product
Yet, jgn risau sebab all these product semua in 1 platform yg you tak payah nak risau utk decline customer order
And slowly upsale or cross sale product sbb everything is in 1 platform, so easy
In sha Allah you'll rank up easier

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Argania Lip Polish Scrub Edition 3.5g

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